1. Always be polite.
2. Always bow upon entering or leaving the “Dojo”, (training hall) students
should bow from the entry door (entrance).
3. Approach and greet Sensei in a respectful manner, a bow must be
performed one metre away from Sensei in the “Mosubi – Dachi” position
(standing up heels together), or “Seiza” position (kneeling), according to
the position assumed by Sensei.
4. Always bow to senior black belts students, greeting and
acknowledging their presence. In the martial arts, authority is exercised
by the most advanced students in this way respecting those that are
more advanced than the others.
5. The way of addressing the Sensei or instructor according to the code
of discipline of our school is as follows:
(a) Master SEIICHI YOSHITAKA AKAMINE founder of our school. The only
one to hold the title of master in our school.
(b) The chief instructor must be called “Sensei” (teacher of high status
5th Dan and above)
(c) The assistant instructor must be called “Sempai” (3rd Dan grade)
(d) The helping instructors must be called “Leshi”.
6. Always be on time to start class, change quickly and help set up Dojo.
7. Appropriate uniform must be worn at all training sessions, must be
kept clean and in good condition.
8. Always change into your gi at the club before and after class. Do not
walk around the street with your Karate gear on. This shows a lack of
respect towards your school and teachers. The karate-gi is for training,
not for parading in the streets. Remember you represent your school in
whatever you do.
9. Attend training as often as possible, it is for your best interest and
10. Always be neat and tidy, look after yourself at all times i.e your health,
your persona, and your behaviour. Remember, your presentation is
important to confront life and represent your school.
11. When the Chief instructor enters the “Dojo” before the training has
begun, all activity must stop. The students are than expected to turn
towards him and bow in Mosubi-Dachi position.
12. Once training has already started, and “Sensei” enters the “Dojo” the
teacher or instructor has to stop the class, its activity, and proceed to
perform appropriate bow.
13. Once training has started, and you have arrived late, you will need
to bow from the door towards the main wall, where the emblem and
portraits of master Seiichi Akamine and Senseis are, and afterwards
approach the class and bow, asking in this manner, permission to
participate in it. You have to place yourself about one metre away from
the teacher or instructor, and bow standing up or kneeling, according to
the position assumed by him/her.
14. During training you must have full concentration and try your hardest,
in this way progressing with every step.
15. It is absolutely forbidden to talk during training, because this act
represents a lack of respect towards the teachings being received.
16. If you need to leave the class for a justified cause or for a health
reason, approach Sensei or instructor in a calm and respectful manner
and let him know.
17. If for some justified reason, i.e, illness, work or studies, you cannot
attend classes, advise Sensei by calling (phoning) and explaining these
reasons, as a matter of politeness. Also, your attendance is taken into
consideration for the obtention of your next grade.
18. During training as well as outside the “Dojo”, you are not to “show off”
or “mock others”. You must try to lose vanity and false pride, respect
others and strive for the evolution of the self, becoming a good human
19. Lack of respect towards Sensei, instructors or fellow students will not
be tolerated. If this was to occur, serious steps will be taken, leading to the
expulsion from the academy.
20. It is strictly forbidden to yawn in class, as well as behave in a way that
is of no interest to the practice given by the teacher.
21. Negative intentions and uncontrolled acts during the practice of
“Kihon” (basics techniques applications) or “Kumite”(combat, sparring) will
not be tolerated and will be seriously acted upon, (rule 19).
22. Actions that may cause your expulsion
(a) Disrespect
(b) Disobedience
(c) Intoxication or drugs abuse
(d) Unruly behaviour
(e) Negative attitude towards training, fellow students and teachers
(f) Not meeting your responsibilities
(g) Tendencies of violence, short temper or wrong doings
(h) Failure to meet standards set and expected from the academy
23. You must always answer to the orders given by sensei or instructor
with a “HI” or (“HI” Sensei) emitted in a martial and energetic manner,
communicating in this way that you have understood the
given command /order. (“HI”, meaning yes or understood).
24. In the case that your belt becomes undone during a training session,
you have to do it up again, by placing your right knee on the floor. Also,
you are not to play with your belt before or after class.
25. It is in you power and duty if you really consider yourself part of the
Bushido-Reiryoku-Kan-Karate-Do academy, to know, to respect, to defend and
to co-operate in all that is possible with the school, and it’s instructors.
26. It is compulsory that you use the Bushido-Reiryoku-Kan badge, which is
available from the school.
27. With respect to those students who have trained in other schools
and who wish to enroll in the Bushido-Reiryoku-Kan, they are to give up all grades
previously attained, and start again at the beginning with a white belt.
Furthermore they will have to undergo a 3 month trial/observation period,
in which time, Sensei will determine the grading that best suits their
condition, experience and ability.
28. This summary of indications and general rules and etiquette is to be
studied and kept, so that it can be used permanently for consultation of
these regulations.
29. Not following these rules may lead to suspension or expulsion of the